Cancer FAQ

Find the answers you need

If you’re in the process of cancer treatment or just received a cancer diagnosis, it’s normal to have lots of questions. Adventist Health has answers to commonly asked questions.

We want you to feel informed and confident. Our cancer FAQ is designed to ease your concerns and help you feel supported along the way.

What should I expect when I meet the doctor for the first time?

Your doctor will talk with you about your medical history and symptoms and conduct a thorough exam. In that appointment, we’ll discuss the next steps, including additional tests you may need.

What technologies do you use to diagnose patients?

We offer the most advanced diagnostic technology to provide accurate, timely answers. We perform imaging tests such as ultrasound, X-ray, computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and PET or SPECT scans. Our team also uses minimally invasive diagnostic methods, using small incisions and instruments to see inside your body. Learn more about cancer diagnosis at Adventist Health.

What should I expect from cancer treatment such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy or immunotherapy?

These therapies typically last a few weeks to a few months. They are usually done as outpatient procedures, so you receive your treatment and go home the same day. Our team works with you to ease the discomfort of any side effects.

Learn more about what you can expect from chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy. Your nurse navigator helps you prepare for each phase of treatment with guidance customized for you.

How will you help me manage side effects from my treatment?

Every patient experiences treatment differently. Our compassionate team helps you manage side effects and supports your physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

We can prescribe medication and assist you with physical activity and nutrition to help ease these side effects. Our nutrition experts can guide you with personalized dietary recommendations before, during and after cancer treatment.

How do I know if I need cancer surgery?

After a meticulous diagnosis, our team of cancer experts collaborates to discuss the best treatment for you. We may recommend surgery if we determine that’s the best way forward. We’ll discuss your treatment options with you in a straightforward, caring manner to help you decide on the right options for you.

What kinds of technologies do you use to treat patients?

We use advanced diagnostic and treatment technology to offer safe, effective care. For example, we often perform minimally invasive surgery, which uses smaller incisions and instruments to help you recover smoothly and safely.

What do I need to know before surgery?

Your care team provides you with thorough guidelines to prepare for surgery. These important to-do’s help ensure a safe, smooth surgery and recovery.

I had cancer treatment somewhere else. Can I have restorative cancer surgery at Adventist Health?

Absolutely. Contact us to learn more about your options for restorative surgery.

Do all of your doctors perform surgery?

Oncologic surgeons perform surgery. Our medical and radiation oncologists don’t perform surgery, but they often collaborate with oncologic surgeons.

How do I find a doctor near me?

You can find an Adventist Health doctor near you who specializes in cancer care.

Learn more about our cancer care

Let us be your partner in better health.

Learn about our oncology services, or find a location close to you. You can also read our patient stories and get answers to frequently asked questions.


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